International Growth

International Growth

Open up to the world and let your online business grow, while staying attuned to the unique characteristics of each market


Planning your business’s international expansion is ambitious and requires a solid strategy. At GTI Digital, we provide you with experts in various digital marketing disciplines. Whether you are starting from scratch or looking to consolidate activities, we can help you achieve your goals.

Only 9% of online sales in the EU are made by buyers in other countries. There is plenty of room for growth.

How do we do it?


First, we’ll help you prioritize the activation of new markets, starting with the countries and languages that will most benefit your business. We propose scalable structures that let you focus on your project’s priorities and add new markets incrementally.

Internationalization is in our DNA, and we emphasize localization. Our consultants not only speak your consumers’ language but also understand their local culture, browsing habits, buying behavior, and competitive landscape. This enables us to provide a realistic view of how to optimize your online strategy effectively.

Some international digital consultancy services we offer:

Market research

Launch strategy

Multi-language SEM and SEO keyword research

Multi-language campaign management

Localized content, adapted to each market

Google My Business

International technical SEO

Specialized to achieve your global expansion

Our international PPC and SEO experts will conduct keyword research in local languages to ensure your campaigns and website are fully optimized. We also craft content strategies tailored to each market, recognizing that not all content suits every location. By adapting to local searches and preferences, we’ll design a content marketing plan that resonates with your target audiences.

Additionally, we manage your Google My Business profile, a crucial element of your international strategy. For users across different countries and languages, we ensure your Google presence is impeccable and localized. We also enhance your international SEO with precise tagging so search engines deliver the correct local version to users based on their geography.



Reducing Lead Costs with Smart Bidding
View Case
Increasing Organic Bookings​
Lean Startup Co.
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Webflow Landing Page Development for a Tech Company
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Clients around the world

Our international, flexible, and collaborative approach delivers results. Here are some clients who have trusted us with their digital growth and design projects.

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Explore the essentials of online marketing, industry tips, impacts, tool recommendations, and more. Visit our digital marketing blog, where our team shares insights on online advertising, analytics, social media, and various topics that pique our interest.

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